After the incredible success of our mixed-reality Parties over the past seven months and climactic activations at World Peace Day and Virtual Burning Man, we finally have the footage and momentum required to create the long-awaited DDP documentary! See our Teaser below, and read on for all the details…
With over 3000 hours of footage gathered over 11 years, we have a momentous task ahead of us!
Emboldened and aided by initial documentary efforts begun in 2013 and continued ever since, we now have a core driving team, a nascent corporation, and an action plan!
We’ve reached the critical stage of securing funding.
To uphold our foundational Open-Source values and retain creative liberty over this film’s creation, we are deeply committed to ensuring that we do not end up beholden to corporate interests in producing this documentary.
We intend to fully embody our Open-Source ethos by releasing
A Battle Plan for World Peace copyright-free.
This allows the film to be broadcast worldwide with zero restrictions – enabling our message of hope and unity to reach the maximum number of viewers!
Because of this, financing must be secured by less traditional means, starting with reaching out to those who are philosophically-aligned with our values and mission.
We are linked to nonprofits in both Canada and the USA, which will allow donations to be written off as a charitable donation on your taxes 🙂
Are you ready to help us make this crazy dream reality?
Contact us to set up an e-transfer, or direct bank transfer!
Paypal and Cryptocurrency Donations are also very welcome!
And of course, our Patreon is always open for business.
Click the image below to learn about our Peace Bonds fundraising scheme!
Thank you for your support!
Although most main production roles have been filled, we are still auditioning for Lead Editor and Producer / Production Assistant positions, ideally Vancouver-Based or willing to move here (accommodations may be available).
Drop us a line ASAP if you are interested!

We humbly accept the challenge posed by these wise words, as true today as when they were first expressed.
With the discord and malcontent permeating our societies, the goal of Waging Peace has never been more essential, tangible, or actionable.
What better action to take, what better movement to organize, than one to Wage Peace? To Wage Peace on a scale far greater than anything that has come before? To Wage Peace with a community connected in ways that were the realm of science fiction mere decades ago?
Hesitate no more. Help us express this vision of
A Battle Plan for World Peace!